Accelerate Innovation, Minimize Complexity
Simplify your development process using DBML diagrams
Experience the future of microservices with QuickCode a cutting-edge generator designed to empower developers, ensuring rapid, reliable, and robust project outcomes.
Github-Powered Microservices for Cloud Environments. Streamline your development process with our Microservice Code Generator! Create microservices code effortlessly using diagrams, and embrace the simplicity of innovation..
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Design, Visualize, Code, Deploy:
QuickCode's Microservice Mastery.

QuickCode is an innovative web-based platform designed to revolutionize microservice development for modern web applications, leveraging the power of Database Markup Language (DBML) diagrams. This user-friendly tool empowers developers to effortlessly configure, deploy, and manage microservices with a focus on simplicity and efficiency.
Built on .NET 8 and powered by Entity Framework, seamlessly interacts with MS SQL or PostgreSQL databases using DBML schemas. Embracing the CQRS pattern, YARP serves as our gateway for efficient API management. QuickCode predefined modules and Linq-like queries and commands enable agile development, while an intuitive Admin Portal simplifies record management and microservice management. With microservices orchestrated for scalability and GitHub Actions for continuous integration, our application is effortlessly deployed on Google Cloud Run. Elasticsearch and Kibana integration offer centralized logging for effective monitoring. This amalgamation of cutting-edge technologies results in a robust and responsive QuickCode-driven microservice experience.
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Development Tools
Easily generate your project with the latest development tools and start using it immediately.
.NET 8
SQL Server
Postgre SQL
Serverless Infrastructure
Run your projects on Google Cloud’s serverless infrastructure, auto-scale, and handle HTTP requests or events.
Cloud Run
Definition of Models
DBML Schemas
Create your DBML schemas based on the project requirements. These schemas should include tables and relationships in your database.
QuickCode Modules or Custom Modules
Utilize QuickCode modules or custom modules to define fundamental models for your project.
API and Service Creation
Coding Language - .NET Core 8
Implement APIs supporting CRUD operations based on DBML schemas or modules using .NET Core 8. This ensures the utilization of the latest features and improvements in the .NET ecosystem.
Entity Framework Integration
Incorporate Entity Framework for seamless database operations, making it easier to interact with both MS SQL and PostgreSQL databases.
CRUD Operations and CQRS Pattern
Implement APIs supporting CRUD operations based on DBML schemas or modules. Incorporate the CQRS pattern to separate the read and write responsibilities, enhancing the scalability and maintainability of the system.
Linq-Like Queries
Develop specific queries according to Linq-like patterns for custom operations defined by your project.
Creation of Admin Portal
Table Management
Utilize the Admin Portal generated by DBML to manage records in specified tables.
Authorization and Authentication
Implement user-based authorizations and authentication processes for the Admin Portal.
Microservices Architecture
Gateway with YARP
Utilize YARP as a gateway to manage and route requests between microservices. A gateway plays a crucial role in handling API requests, providing security, and simplifying the client experience.
Communication Between Microservices
Define communication mechanisms, considering API calls or a message queue for interactions between microservices.
Orchestration and Management
Employ a suitable tool or service for orchestrating and managing microservices
Integration with GitHub
GitHub Repository
All the generated code is pushed to a GitHub repository.
GitHub Actions
Leverage GitHub Actions for continuous integration and deployment. Define workflows to automate testing, build processes, and deployment tasks.
Deployment to Google Cloud Run
Deployment to Google Cloud Run
Use GitHub Actions to deploy the application to Google Cloud Run. This ensures a streamlined and automated deployment process.
Logging with Elasticsearch and Kibana
Elasticsearch and Kibana Integration
Integrate Elasticsearch and Kibana for centralized logging. This enables effective monitoring and analysis of logs generated by microservices.
Microservices Architecture
Gateway with YARP
Utilize YARP as a gateway to manage and route requests between microservices. A gateway plays a crucial role in handling API requests, providing security, and simplifying the client experience.
Communication Between Microservices
Define communication mechanisms, considering API calls or a message queue for interactions between microservices.
QuickCode Mobile Application

Mobile Application

Start creating your projects immediately.

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